St. Margaret of Cortona, Big Lake75th anniversary of parish and dedication of OLG grottoSee more photos!
St. Joseph Mission in Lorainecelebrated 100 years since the dedication of their church with Mass and fellowship Aug. 25, 2024.More photos!
Catholic Daughters of the AmericasCourt Santa Angela #1736 prayed together at their annual garage sale Aug. 3, 2024.
St. Isidore Mission, CoyanosaAltar dedication, Aug. 24, 2024More photos!
Seminarians and priests from the diocese on pilgrimagein the crypt church of Krakow Cathedral, Poland, where Pope St. John Paul II offered his first Mass.
Pilgrims from the Diocese of San Angeloat Mass in Indianapolis during the National Eucharistic Congress July 18, 2024.
To The Heights Young Adult ConferenceJuly 13, 2024, St. Stephen Parish, Midland
Puede que no tengamos viajes en el
tiempo que nos ayuden a regresar al primer
siglo para caminar con Jesús, María, José y
todos los demás, pero tenemos la capacidad
de estar con Jesús cara a cara cuando lo deseemos.
We may not have time travel to help
us go back to the first century to walk with
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all the others, but
we have the ability to be with Jesus face-to-face whenever we wish.
The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is trying to reach Wesley Laroide Ghiraldello concerning an important matter regarding their rights in the Church, on or before Nov. 27. If you are this person or know where this person lives, please contact the Tribunal by telephone at 325-651-7500 ext. 137 or by email at [email protected].
CCUSA, as the official domestic disaster relief agency of the Catholic Church in the United States, has launched a dedicated hurricane disaster relief campaigns.
En tan sólo unas semanas, nosotros, los ciudadanos de nuestro país, seleccionaremos nuestros líderes, desde el presidente a los oficiales locales. Cada uno de nosotros se enfrenta con el reto de decidir cómo vamos a votar.
Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Los invito a que me acompañen al evento más grande del año en la Diócesis de San Ángelo — nuestro Congreso Eucarístico Diocesano en español. Se llevará a cabo el sábado, 26 de octubre en Midland.
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
I invite you to join me for the biggest event of the year in the Diocese of San Angelo — our Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in Spanish. It will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, in Midland.
The Catholic Charitable Foundation
for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San
Angelo awarded $151,454 in grants to support 33 Catholic organizations in the San
Angelo diocese. Grants to parishes,
schools, and ministries included awards to
repair buildings and air conditioning systems; purchase liturgical vestments, educational resources, and appliances; and
improve utilities and security systems.
The community of Loraine had no Catholic Church in 1915 when Antonio Pantoja
traveled to Abilene, the nearest place a priest
could be found, to request Mass.
Friends, today we celebrate the great feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. What followed the apparition of Mary at Tepeyac is one of the most astounding chapters in the history of Christian evangelism.