por Obispo Michael J. Sis
el 8 de noviembre, 2016
El Año Jubilar Extraordinario de la Misericordia concluirá por todo el mundo en la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey el 20 de noviembre de 2016. En ese día el Papa Francisco cerrará la Puerta Santa en la Basílica de San Pedro en Roma. En todas las demás diócesis por todo el mundo, incluyendo San Ángelo, las Puertas Santas se cerrarán el domingo, 13 de noviembre.
With the Holy Doors Closing, Where Do We Find Mercy?
by Fr. Knick and Sandie Knickerbocker
June 3, 2016
In Chapter 4 of Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis' new Apostolic Exhortation, he writes about "Love in Marriage." Seeing marriage as a "Covenant of Mercy" is an appropriate description of his understanding of love in marriage, especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. In this article are some reflections on the Pope's teaching that we think are especially significant for married couples and the Church and then reflections on some implications and extensions of the Pope's teaching.
by Fr. Knick and Sandie Knickerbocker
May 10, 2016
Pope Francis, in his gift of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, said, "How much I desire that the year to come will be steeped in mercy, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God!" What is mercy? "The Gospel is the revelation in Jesus Christ of God's mercy to sinners" (CCC1849). Divine Mercy is the Gospel--the Good News! It is the Good News of God's love meeting us where we are and helping us in the midst of our sin and suffering. Mercy is "love's second name" (Dives in Misericordia 7). In Jesus Christ, mercy and truth have met.
Having just observed Divine Mercy Sunday, it is appropriate that we renew in our minds and hearts Jesus' call and, therefore, the Church's call: "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful" (Lk 6:36). How can we, busy people, live out mercy day-today?