Catholic laymen and women pursuing a graduate degree in theology or religious studies in order to serve their church in a professional capacity must submit applications for the Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship by February 15, 2015.
The renewable $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to two candidates in need of tuition assistance for additional education who serve or want to serve his or her parish as an Administrator, Youth Minister, Parish Coordinator or other role.
"Today many dedicated Catholics, who are not ordained clergy or women religious, serve parishes as Parish Coordinators or Administrators, as Pastoral Associates, Directors of Religious Education, Youth Ministers, Liturgists, and many other roles," said Msgr. Droll. "This scholarship can help provide the funds to earn the advanced educational degree in theology or religious studies that is often required for these positions."
This scholarship is geared towards those who have already obtained their bachelor's degree and who are either enrolled or wanting to enroll into any Catholic graduate school in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma or Mississippi. Applicants may also be enrolled in an extension program or in the Catholic University of America School of Canon Law.
Applications may be obtained by submitting an application which may be found online at, contacting the Communications Department at
(210) 828-9921 or
1-800-292-2548 or by writing to Catholic Life Insurance, Attn: Communications Department, P.O. Box 659527, San Antonio, TX 78265-9527.
Founded in 1901, Catholic Life Insurance offers life insurance, IRAs and retirement annuities to individuals and businesses living in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Mississippi.