Catholics in Texas are joining with members of other faiths in an initiative to pray in a special way from January 11 to 17 for the end of Human Trafficking.
The project is promoted by the Office of the Texas First Lady, a diverse group of faith leaders across Texas, and the Office of the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team for the Governor’s Response Against Child Exploitation (GRACE) initiative.
This year our collaboration will host a statewide interfaith Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking, January 11 through January 17, 2021. The Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking coincides with January’s Human Trafficking Prevention Month and aims to bring the faith community in unity through prayer, awareness, and education of human trafficking, opportunities for prevention, and support of survivors.
The call to action will begin with a virtual interfaith event on Monday, January 11, at 6 p.m. on Facebook. The event will include remarks from state officials, prayer, and a panel discussion of faith leaders and members of the Office of the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT). We extend this invitation to join us January 11 through January 17, 2021 for GRACE Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking.