God our Father, please bless our students
while they are away in college.
Watch over them as they study, work, and play.
Give them good and honorable friends,
keep them safe and healthy,
and draw them close to you in prayer.
Send your Holy Spirit into their hearts and minds.
Grant them wisdom to make good decisions,
understanding to remain focused in their studies,
strength to resist temptations,
courage to defend their faith when it is challenged,
humility to ask for help when they need it,
grace to make the most of their opportunities,
and gratitude for your many blessings.
Whenever possible, bring them safely home to us,
so we can give them a good meal and a warm hug.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Oración por Nuestros Estudiantes Universitarios
por Mons. Michael Sis
Dios nuestro Padre, por favor bendice a nuestros estudiantes
mientras que están en la universidad.
Vela por ellos cuando estudian, trabajan, y juegan.
Dales amigos buenos y honorables,
mantenlos seguros y saludables,
y acércalos a ti en la oración.
Envía tu Espíritu Santo en sus corazones y mentes.
Concédeles sabiduría para tomar buenas decisiones,
el entendimiento para permanecer enfocados en sus estudios,
fortaleza para resistir las tentaciones,
el valor para defender su fe cuando sea desafiado,
la humildad de pedir ayuda cuando la necesitan,
la gracia para sacar el máximo provecho de sus oportunidades,
y agradecimiento por sus muchas bendiciones.
Siempre que sea posible, traelos a casa con nosotros,
para darles una buena comida y un cálido abrazo.
Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.
Student's Prayer
by Bishop Michael Sis
O loving and merciful God,
my whole existence depends on you.
I ask you to send your Holy Spirit
into my heart and my mind.
Fill me with your grace
beyond my own personal strength,
so that I can dedicate the time and energy
that I need to study.
Give me the strength to resist distractions.
When I am studying by myself,
help me to remember
that you are my companion
and that I am never truly alone.
Help my professors to explain things clearly.
Help me to respect them.
Help me to pay attention and listen well in class.
Give me the courage to ask questions
when I don't understand.
Give me the humility to ask for help when I need it.
Help me to accept the grades that I get
after I have done all that I can do.
Give me a spirit of gratitude
for the privilege of studying at this University,
while most people in the world
will never have such a rare opportunity.
Help me to make the most
of the wonderful gifts
you have given me,
and to return them to you with generosity.
You have been with me through rough times in the past.
Help me to trust that you are here with me now.
Give me hope for the future,
and help me to trust that, whatever the future brings,
you are already there waiting for me
with your loving embrace.
I offer you this prayer through your Son,
my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you, forever and ever. Amen.