A. From the Vatican
The Church and Racism: Towards a More Fraternal Society (2001) - with introductory update to 1988 original text [Contribution of the Holy See to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance]
Also see the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC #1935, 2113)
B. Episcopal Conference Statements
USCCB Presidential Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
Love Thy Neighbor (2001) - collection of episcopal statements; released abridged bilingual online version in 2014, in particular to highlight culturally diverse perspectives on the subject
Reconciled Through Christ (1997) - issued jointly by African American and Hispanic American bishops, bilingual, promotes multi-cultural dialog; released updated online version in 2013
What We Have Seen and Heard: A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization from the Black Bishops of The United States (1984)
Brothers & Sisters To Us (1979) & Special Message from Black Bishops on the 10th Anniversary addition, For the Love of One Another (1989)
On Racial Harmony (1963) - National Catholic Welfare Conference, Administrative Board
C. Various Episcopal Pastoral Letters and Statements (by Author)
Braxton, Bishop Edward, Diocese of Belleville, The Racial Divide in the United States: A Reflection for the World Day of Peace 2015 (January 1, 2015)
George, Cardinal Francis, OMI, Archdiocese of Chicago, Dwell in my Love (2001). Subsequent 10th anniversary edition (2011) (no link available)
Hughes, Archbishop Alfred, Archdiocese of New Orleans, Made in the Image and Likeness of God (2005) (no link available)
O'Malley, Bishop Sean P., OFM Cap. (Now Card. O'Malley), Diocese of Fall River, MA, Solidarity: Arduous Journey to the 'Promised Land' Pastoral on Racism (2000)
Pfeifer, Bishop Michael, OMI (Emeritus), Diocese of San Angelo, "The Ghost of the Legacy of Racial Inequality Continues to Haunt Us" (2009)
Wuerl, Bishop Donald (Now Card. Wuerl), Diocese of Pittsburgh, "Confronting Racism Today" (1996) (no link available)