Calvary Cemetery rules specify that there should be no more than one flower arrangement per grave. The only exception to this flower rule is at the time of interment, when additional flowers may be placed on a grave. A copy of the cemetery rules is available at the Pastoral Center and is posted at the entrance of the cemetery.
We have tried to be flexible, but many people take advantage and place too many flower arrangements on graves, as well as other decorations including rocks, artificial turf, curbs, borders, statues, crosses, solar lights, Halloween and Christmas decorations, etc., making it almost impossible for the mowers or backhoe to move between the graves. This also creates a safety hazard and can damage tombstones when mowing. Lastly, it leaves the cemetery looking very unsightly, which is evidenced by the many complaints we receive.
In order to alleviate this problem, effective June 15, 2015, everything found on grave sites will be removed by cemetery personnel on a regular basis except one flower arrangement, in order to conform to cemetery rules, with the exception of extra flowers at the time of the funeral. Small flags on the graves of veterans on holidays such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day are always permitted. We ask that you please cooperate by following the cemetery rules and helping to keep the cemetery looking as nice as possible for all who visit.