Monsignor Robert N. Bush passed away at the age of 81 on January 17, 2025, in Abilene, Texas. His parents were James Victor Bush and Marie Aline Delahoussaye. He was born in Waco, Texas, on July 5, 1943, and is survived by his sister, Patricia Vandecapelle and her husband Hector.
Msgr. Bush attended St. Mary Seminary in Houston, Texas; Immaculate Conception Seminary in Conception, Missouri; and was ordained as a Catholic priest on June 5, 1969, at St. Mary Queen of Peace in Brownwood, Texas. Msgr. Bush served in the following parishes: Sacred Heart, Abilene; St. Joachim and Ann, Clyde; St. Mary, Odessa; Sacred Heart Cathedral, San Angelo; Good Shepherd, Crane; Sacred Heart, McCamey; St. Joseph, Stanton; St. Isidore, Lenorah; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Big Spring; and St. Joseph/St. Anthony, Odessa. He retired from active ministry in August 2023.
During his 55 years of service as a priest in the Diocese of San Angelo, Msgr. Bush served in many positions and capacities. He was the director of SEARCH retreat program for over 50 years as well as serving on the College of Consultors, Secretariat of the Cursillo Movement, Diocesan Finance Council, Diocesan Catholic Schools Commission, and the Diocesan Charismatic Movement.
Services will be as follows: Abilene, Sacred Heart Church: Monday, Jan. 27, 6:00 p.m. Service and Rosary, with viewing
San Angelo, Sacred Heart Cathedral: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6:00 p.m. Vigil and Rosary, with viewing Wednesday, Jan. 29, 10:30 a.m. Funeral Mass, followed by interment at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in San Angelo. A meal will be served at Sacred Heart Cathedral after the burial.
Memorial donations may be made to the Seminary Endowment of the Diocese of San Angelo.