4. Catholics on Radio and Television
8. Legion of Mary (Concilium Legionis Mariae)
9. Search for Christian Maturity
10. Secular Franciscan Order (OFS)
11 St. Vincent de Paul Conferences
13. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas
14. Ministry of the Third Cross; St. Frances of Rome Ministry
17. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
19. Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
23. Beginning Experience Weekend
ACTS is a parish-based, lay Catholic apostolate. The name ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service. It was developed in the late 1980s by several laymen with San Antonio Archbishop Patrick Flores' encouragement. ACTS traces its roots to Cursillo and to the Methodist program Walk to Emmaus. Its purpose is to help participants experience the love of God, foster Christian discipleship, and build the parish community. Its primary component is the ACTS Retreat experience.
The priests of the parish are considered an integral part of a parish ACTS Retreat. After participating in a retreat, a priest is qualified to serve as the spiritual director of subsequent retreats.
The pastor's first step in bringing an ACTS Retreat to a parish is to contact the ACTS Missions San Angelo Chapter. By meeting with the chapter's leadership, the pastor will receive an overview of ACTS and information about those involved' responsibilities. Later an ACTS Retreat will take place at the parish or a nearby retreat house. Participants will find the ACTS Retreat is an invigorating event that often creates lasting bonds between parishioners while increasing involvement in the parish's ministries. ACTS Retreats are conducted in both English and Spanish in the Diocese of San Angelo.
The ACTS Retreat Movement's leadership is under ACTS Missions, Oblate School of Theology, 285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216. For more information about ACTS in the Diocese of San Angelo, contact the Pastoral Center, 325-651-7500. You can request more information by email from [email protected]. You can also visit the ACTS website at
The Charismatic Renewal Movement promotes the renewal of the Church with the use of spiritual gifts. It seeks to evangelize and form people into Christians equipped to carry on the work of the spiritual renewal of the Church. The Life in the Spirit Seminars and regular prayer meetings can be effective tools to bring people to the Lord. However, each parish with a prayer group needs priestly guidance, teaching, and encouragement to be the power the Lord wants in a parish. In the Diocese of San Angelo, the Charismatic Renewal exists in English and Spanish.
The diocesan liaisons' names for English and Spanish are available at the Pastoral Center(325) 651-7500. These liaisons represent the diocesan bishop and meet with several available diocese priests to explain and provide retreats for the people. The liaisons are also the spiritual directors for the Diocesan Lay Service Group. They are ready to be of service to individual prayer groups, and they plan and coordinate diocesan charismatic renewal events.
Catholic Charities of Odessa
Catholic Charities of Odessa (CCO) is the charitable outreach of the five Catholic parishes of Odessa. The CCO began in 1988 and is governed by a lay board with each local pastor and the diocesan bishop of San Angelo as ex-officio members. Headquarters are located at 2500 Andrews Highway, Odessa, TX 79761. Operations include a thrift store, a food pantry, and an educational center offering GEDs and financial assistance.
Activities are supported by parish donations, grants, fundraising events, and special gifts. The CCO's phone number is (432) 332-1387.
Catholic Outreach Services, San Angelo
Catholic Outreach Services (COS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating under the auspices of the Diocese of San Angelo, serving individuals in need within Tom Green County. Services currently in place at the COS facility (410 N. Chadbourne, 76903) include a food bank and sack-lunch ministry (volunteer operated) and an office of diocesan immigration services. The number of added services will depend on identifying needs and the available resources. A volunteer Director of Services coordinates the day- to-day operations of the organization. COS has a board of directors consisting of two members from each parish in the County appointed by their pastors, who also serve as ex- officio members of the Board. Funding of COS is by subsidies from the sponsoring parishes, including individual donations and grants. More information is available by calling 325-617-7292.
Helping Hands of Midland
Helping Hands of Midland (HHM) assists the needy with financial assistance for rent, utilities, medical, and other legitimate needs. HHM serves the residents of Midland County with funding by monetary donations, proceeds from the thrift store stocked with public donations, and St. Stephen's Parish. HHM is a 100% volunteer organization.
Additional information is available by visiting
On November 14, 2001, the Latin Church members of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved complementary legislation for canon 772, §2 & canon 831,
§2 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 (CIC/83) for the dioceses of the Latin Church of the United States after obtaining the recognitio from the Congregation for Bishops in accord with article 82 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus, issued by decree of the Congregation for Bishops, signed by His Eminence Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, Prefect, and His Excellency Most Reverend Franciscus Monterisi, Secretary, and dated November 27, 2001. The effective date for implementing this complementary legislation for the dioceses of the Latin Church of the United States was January 15, 2002.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in accord with the prescriptions of canon 772, §2, decreed that, "with due regard for the norms of canon 763, a Catholic who regularly expounds Christian doctrine on radio or television must be specially qualified by his or her knowledge of the subject, by manifest adherence to the teaching of the Magisterium and by the witness of his or her life as a Catholic. The individual must obtain permission from their proper diocesan bishop or the diocesan bishop of the place where the radio or television program is originally broadcast. In the case of members of institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life, the permission of the competent superior is also required, insofar as the constitution of the institute or society provides for it." (Decree by USCCB: Complementary Norm for canon 772, §2; January 15, 2002).
The USCCB, in accord with the prescriptions of canon 831, §2, also decreed that, "provided no harm to the Church could result from their presence, clerics and members of religious institutes may participate in radio and television programs which treat of Catholic doctrine and morals. A cleric or religious who regularly takes part in such programs must be specially qualified by his or her knowledge of the subject by manifest adherence to the Magisterium's teaching and life probity. The individual must obtain the permission of their proper diocesan bishop or the diocesan bishop of the place where the radio or television program is originally broadcast. In the case of members of religious institutes, the permission of the competent superior is also required." (Decree by USCCB: Complementary Norm for canon 831, §2; January 15, 2002)
The Cursillo de Cristiandad seeks to present what a full Christian life embraces.
Candidates for the Cursillo must be Catholic and should first be prepared by being evangelized: making the basic decision to accept the Lord Jesus Christ through his Church for guidance in Christian life.
The following directive for the Cursillo has been established to accomplish this in the life of the individuals.
MESA DIRECTIVA (Secretariat)
The Secretariat of the Cursillos de Cristiandad is an auxiliary body of the diocesan bishop. Its function is to assist him that the work of the Cursillos in Christianity in all their stages and aspects may be, in his hands and within his pastoral plan, a truly efficacious instrument for the renewal of the Christian life. The Secretariat of the Cursillos in Christianity, as the guiding organism of the movement for the ascetic formation and Christian apostolate, will consist of two groups of leaders: one of the clergy and one of the laity.
These groups will take joint responsibility for the entire work and will labor generously and with the right intention in intimate union of spirit and orderly collaboration. The team of priests constitutes, as a whole, the guiding organ of the work of the Cursillo in Christianity in the diocese. A group or team of lay people carry on the executive management of the Cursillo movement, taking charge of its organization and running, in accordance with the approved rules and regulations.
Each priest who has not lived the Cursillo is invited to attend one. A priest who has attended a Cursillo is invited to help give the rollos (talks).
Deacons may help in the Cursillo movement by contacting one of the priests in charge. They may give any of the rollos in the Cursillo.
To attend, one should have been evangelized.
To attend, one must be at least 18 years of age.
To attend, one must be able to receive the sacraments, e.g., if married, one must be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church.
The applications must be signed by either the pastor or priest-in-charge and the vocal, who can testify to the candidate's readiness and eligibility.
Established fees are available upon request.
SCHOOLS OF LEADERS (Escuela de dirigentes)
Each cursillista who wishes to work in the Cursillo Movement environment should belong to a School of Leaders in the diocese. Members of the School of Leaders should include all rollistas (speakers), auxiliaries (helpers), rectores (lay leaders), and vocales (local Cursillo lay leaders). The School of Leaders is under the direction of the Mesa Directive (Secretariat). The vocales, if at all possible, should be selected from among those who have attended the School of Leaders.
The School of Leaders ideally meets for two hours each week but meets monthly at the present time. The School of Leaders directs the Cursillo movement's particulars: Pre-Cursillo, Cursillo Weekend, and Post-Cursillo. This is done by the Mesa Directiva, to whom the School of Leaders is responsible.
VOCALES (Local Cursillo Lay Leaders)
Each parish with cursillists (those who have attended the Cursillo Weekend) should have a Vocal, Bis-Vocal, Vocala de Mujeres (Vocal, Vice Vocal, Vocal for Women). Each parish is to determine the number of Vocals needed for their functions.
The Vocals are to be elected by the cursillistas each year in December (or appointed by the pastor or priest-in-charge) to take office in January. Their names, addresses, and telephone numbers should be sent to the Mesa Directiva. They serve for a term of one year. The Vocals are to be persons of leadership under the guidance of the pastor or his delegate.
For Vocals' duties, contact the priest in charge of the Cursillo and ask for the paper "Duties and Responsibilities of Vocals."
ROLLISTAS (speakers) AND ROLLOS (talks)
Those wishing to become rollistas should apply to the Secretariat for the application form.
Qualifications of rollistas:
Must be active at least one year in the Cursillo movement before serving as a rollista.
Must be making a weekly Group Reunion after having attended a Cursillo.
Should attend an Ultreya at least monthly
Should attend a spiritual retreat during the year.
Should be attending an approved Rollista School
If it is possible, live the Cursillo when appointed to give a Rollo.
If married, be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church.
Read extensively and be up to date regarding the Cursillo Movement, such as information about Rollos, apostolados, clausuras, etc.
Each active cursillista must attend the weekly Group Reunion (Reunion del Grupo). A Group Reunion is a group of two to six cursillistas who review their commitment to the Lord and plan apostolic action in their environments. They meet at separate times from the groups that meet at the Ultreya (usually another day). A pamphlet, "Principios y Tecnicas del las Reuniones del Grupo," may be obtained through the Mesa Directiva.
According to the Cursillo movement's norms, each town with cursillistas is to provide at least one Ultreya (community gathering of cursillistas).
An Apostolado is an afternoon of spiritual renewal on a pastor's theme and the local Cursillo leadership, given by another Cursillo center group. The Apostolados give witness to personal spiritual renewal in the Christian life of prayer, study, and action, with the hope of evangelizing, inspiriting, and instructing people in living a Christian life.
If a parish wishes an Apostolado, it should contact those in charge of Apostolados in that area of the diocese. Names may be obtained from the priest in charge of the Cursillo Movement.
The Apostolado must be approved by the parish priest.
The Apostolado should be accompanied within the framework of two to two and one-half hours, excluding the social activities that follow the presentations.
The Apostolado teams are to be approved by the School of Leaders.
Apostolados can be scheduled at appropriate times throughout the year.
The Secretariat recommends each Cursillo Center hold a Holy Hour on the Sunday before a Cursillo Weekend to pray for its success.
A parish wishing to have a Cursillo in its facilities should contact a priest in charge of the Cursillo Movement. Cursillos are typically scheduled when enough candidates have applied to warrant scheduling.
Contact the Diocese of San Angelo at (325) 651-7500 for a current list of Cursillo leaders in the diocese.
Catholic Engaged Encounter is an in-depth, private, personal, marriage preparation experience within the context of Catholic faith and values. Catholic Engaged Encounter is a weekend retreat providing an engaged couple time alone to dialogue honestly and intensively about their prospective lives together—their strengths and weaknesses, desires, ambitions, goals, attitudes about money, sex, children, family, and their role in the church and society.
According to Church law, the weekend is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper, more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.
Engaged Encounter was introduced to the Diocese of San Angelo by Rev. Joseph Uecker, CPPS, in the late 1970s. The Diocese of San Angelo strongly recommends the Engaged Encounter Weekend for couples preparing for marriage. English weekends are held about six times a year at Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo. Engaged Encounter Weekends in Spanish are held about three times a year in the Odessa area.
A weekend is conducted by teams of volunteer married couples and a priest. Married couples who have experienced a weekend are encouraged to become team couples after several years of marriage.
Applications for a weekend may be obtained from their parish priest as part of the marriage preparation process or Christ the King Retreat Center at (325) 651-5352. Catholic Engaged Encounter maintains a website at
An Hermanamiento partnership was established in September 2001 among San Angelo and Tyler's dioceses in Texas and San Pedro Sula in Honduras. This action was taken in response to Saint John Paul II's appeal in "The Church in America" to establish bonds of fellowship and solidarity between dioceses of different countries in the Americas. The Diocese of San Pedro Sula was later divided to form the new Diocese of La Ceiba. As a result, four dioceses currently work in partnership.
As a diocese, San Angelo has an official day of prayer for all in the Hermanamiento that includes a special collection in all parishes to benefit the Honduran dioceses.
Diocesan Partnership Teams in each of the four dioceses promote the relationships of the
Hermanamiento. These teams meet with one another annually.
Partnerships are also established between parishes in Texas and Honduras. There have also been Catholic school partnerships and university apostolate partnerships. Parishes and schools interested in developing such a partnership may contact the Diocese of San Angelo's Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500.
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide apostolic organization with headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. The Legion of Mary seeks the growth in holiness of its members under the guidance, prayer, and active cooperation with the local clergy. The Legion of Mary exists in several parishes in the Diocese of San Angelo. Legion members conduct house-to-house parish visitation, hospital ministry, and other activities. To form a group, called a presidium, in a parish, contact any known Legion of Mary group, call the Pastoral Center at 325-651-7500 for the name of the Diocesan Director of The Legion of Mary, or go the Legion's website
Groups must be affiliated with a governing body in the Diocese of San Angelo known as a Curia to be an official part of The Legion of Mary. In turn, the Curia must be affiliated with higher governing bodies ultimately linked with the Concilium Legionis in Dublin, Ireland.
The Search for Christian Maturity, a diocesan-wide youth program, seeks to foster a vital relationship with Jesus Christ through a youth-to-youth approach during a forty-eight-hour weekend experience. Youth sixteen (16) years of age or older, or who have already begun their sophomore year of high school (and are at least fifteen years old), may attend. Registration applications must be submitted in advance (usually two or three months). Christians of other denominations may attend with the further stipulation that they are informed and agree not to receive Holy Communion. Youth from outside the diocese may also be accepted. The following policies have also been established:
All applicants need their pastor's signature on their application. The pastor is considered to be the pastor of the place where they presently live or attend Mass. The pastor may delegate others to sign the application. This signature indicates that the signatory will be responsible for follow-up on the candidate who attends.
All applicants need one of their parents' signatures on the application form unless they are eighteen years old or older or are living away from home.
Sponsors may come to a Search provided:
They accompany youth to a Search with no more than an average of one sponsor to a car
No more than five sponsors from a town are thereby coming
Sponsors must be working with, or willing to work with, teenage youth.
Sponsors attending must be at least twenty-two (22) years of age.
Old Searchers may serve as sponsors after having been away from Search for a minimum of three years and subject to the restrictions above.
The following policy governs the acceptance of the new applications:
Applications will be accepted by mail through the tenth day before the Search is scheduled to begin. A letter including names of all applicants from a particular town will be sent to the pastor or coordinator, informing him about the number of Searchers he may send from his parish. That information will allow him to decide which ones may go.
As soon as the application period has closed ten days before the Search, acceptance letters will be sent out.
Applicants who submitted the required part of their registration fee and failed to attend the first Search will be contacted to inquire about attendance at the next Search. Applications are valid for any Search up to one year from the date they were mailed.
Bishops, priests, deacons, women religious, and religious brothers may attend anytime.
For further information, please contact the Search policy Team by calling the Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500.
The Secular Franciscan Order (Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis or OFS) originated with St.
Francis of Assisi in the early 13th century. Formerly called the Third Order of St. Francis, the group, which includes lay people and diocesan priests, is now called the "secular order" to distinguish it from the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, or TOR. The OFS is very much a part of the Franciscan order of friars (priests and brothers) and nuns (known as the Poor Clares). The OFS was brought to the Diocese of San Angelo through the Franciscan priests who ministered here from the 1920s to the 1970s. In the governance of the OFS, the Diocese of San Angelo is now divided between Los Tres Companeros Province (East) and Our Lady of Guadalupe Province (West). All provinces in the United States come under the National Fraternity jurisdiction, which reports to the International Fraternity in Rome.
Members follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis. Profession in the order follows a two- to three-year formation process conducted by the local fraternity. While members are encouraged to live the way of St. Francis, there is no moral obligation to follow the promises made in profession.
The OFS exists in several parishes in the Diocese of San Angelo, such as San Angelo's St. Angela Fraternity. For more information, call the diocese at 325-651-7500 or visit the website of the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order at
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam (1813–1853). By 1846 it had spread to parishes in the United States. Primarily organized by laypeople in a parish under a pastor's direction, its members strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need.
There are several parish-based St. Vincent de Paul Conferences in the Diocese of San Angelo that include Abilene, Big Spring, Midland, Sonora, and Stanton. They operate thrift stores and offer assistance to needy individuals and families. Its members also spend time in prayer. The diocesan bishop encourages parishes in the Diocese of San Angelo to establish Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Those interested in establishing a society should view the website of the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent The website offers background information about the society and materials for organizing a parish society.
The Third Order Carmelites is one of the three branches of the Carmelite Order, the first being for friars (priests and brothers) and the second for nuns. The Third Order comprises laity and diocesan priests who follow the Carmelite rule in the world. The Third Order was fostered in the Diocese of San Angelo by Father Fabian Rosetti, founder of the Mt. Carmel Hermitage in Christoval. The order exists in several parishes in the diocese, including St. Ann's in Midland.
Members of the Third Order are mindful that the call of Christ is a universal call to holiness, to the mission of the church itself: to live the gospel and to sanctify the People of God. The Third Order strives to follow Mary's example in making a perfect response to the spirit of Christ within each person.
Information about the Third Order Carmelites may be obtained by visiting the Carmelite website or calling the Pastoral Center in San Angelo at (325) 657-7500).
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) was founded in Utica, New York, in 1903 and spread to parishes through the United States. Its members participate in the religious, charitable, and education apostolates of the Catholic Church. It is open to women over the age of eighteen. Its members strive to develop their God-given talents to influence the welfare of the Church and its people. "Faith working through love" is their guide.
The CDA exists in several local parishes of the Diocese of San Angelo. Each unit is called a court. Each local court reports to a state court, which in turn reports to the national court. For more information, visit or call the Diocesan Pastoral Center at
(325) 651-7500.
These ministries encourage lay visitation at correctional facilities in the San Angelo, Brownwood, and Abilene areas. Volunteers seek to bring the presence of the Lord to inmates and help them find the grace of God as they serve their sentences or prepare for release and turn to the outside world For more information, call the Diocesan Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500.
Rachel's Vineyard is a confidential post-abortion spiritual retreat process. The weekend retreat provides a safe place for a woman who has had an abortion. It is also a safe place for family or friends who were in some way impacted by abortion. Rachel's Vineyard offers a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express and release painful post-abortion emotions. Here, they can begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing. According to its website, it is therapy for the soul. Its motto is, "Healing the pain of abortion—one weekend at a time."
Rachel's Vineyard was founded by Theresa Burke, PhD. A Rachel's Vineyard weekend engages the participants. They become aware of the areas where they may have secreted their feelings and emotions. Awareness allows them to express themselves in a safe environment of acceptance, prayer, and no judgment. The healing program offers a unique sensory-based treatment. The program integrates emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions using creative "Living Scripture Exercises" and rituals. Participants engage mind, body, and soul in prayer, group activities, therapeutic facilitation, cognitive restructuring, and discussion for grief work grounded in Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
For local information, you can call (432) 897-4788 or send an information request to [email protected]. Information is printed from time to time in parish bulletins and in the West Texas Angelus. Those interested may also contact Christ the King Retreat Center (325) 651-5352) or visit the Rachel's Vineyard website where a complete listing of all upcoming retreats in the United States and around the world can be found.
Magnificat is an international organization for Catholic women. Its inspiration comes from the Catholic charismatic movement. Magnificat seeks the spiritual growth in holiness for its members and their evangelization in the faith. Canonically Magnificat is a Private Association of Christian Faithful. It was founded in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1981, and has spread around the United States and many countries around the world.
Magnificat centers around a meal held four times a year, including fellowship, praise, personal testimony, and intercessory prayer. The organization also sponsors Life in the Spirit Seminars, retreats, bible studies, and days of recollection for women.
For more information, contact the Diocesan Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500 or visit
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano (in English, the Christian Family Movement) is a national network of parish/neighborhood small-groups of families. Through the use of programming available from the CFM USA and MFC offices and the dynamics of small group interaction, Christian values are reinforced, and families are encouraged to reach out to others. The Christian Family Movement (CFM) originated in Chicago, Illinois, in 1943. In 1966 the Movimiento Familiar Cristiano (MFC-USA) was instituted for Spanish-speaking families in the United States.
MFC promotes Christ-centered marriage and family life. It helps individuals and their families to live the Christian faith in everyday life. It seeks to improve society through actions of love, service, education, and example. MFC families have become involved in helping others in such ministries as foster-parents, prison ministry, refugee sponsorship, religious education, and couple counseling.
The CFM and MFC are organized by country, federation, zone, formation teams, and service teams. In the Diocese of San Angelo, more than forty families at St. Anthony's Parish in Odessa have been active in MFC since 2014. For more information, visit and For further information, please call the Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500.
The Knights of Columbus is an international organization of Catholic men dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. It was established by Rev. Michael J. McGivney, assistant priest at St. Mary's Church, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882. The order helps families obtain economic security and stability through affiliated life insurance, annuity, and long-term care programs. The men of the order assist the Catholic Church in every aspect of church life, from the construction of buildings to prayer services, from promoting the teaching of the Holy Father and local bishops to a wide range of charitable endeavors. The order also provides many opportunities for Catholic men and their families to socialize together.
Today there are more than 15,342 councils with 1.9 million members in the United States and many countries around the world. The order's headquarters is located in New Haven, Connecticut, and is headed by the Supreme Knight. There are state councils in all 50 states and many other countries. Every diocese has its diocesan deputy.
Local councils of the Knights of Columbus exist in many parishes in the Diocese of San Angelo. These councils regularly conduct recruitment drives for new members and advertise their activities in the parish bulletins. Anyone seeking more information about the Knights of Columbus should contact a council in their area by calling the Diocesan Pastoral Center at (325) 651-7500, or contacting the main headquarters in New Haven at (203) 752-4000. The order maintains a website at
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is a canonically established international public association of the faithful. It is a legitimate order of knighthood. After a long history, Pope Pius XII, in 1945, placed it under the protection of the Holy See, where it remains today. The Equestrian Order is headquartered in Vatican City State under papal sovereignty and protection of the Holy See. A cardinal of the Catholic Church is usually its Grand Master.
The principal mission of the order is to reinforce the practice of Christian life by its members in absolute fidelity to the pope; to sustain and assist the religious, spiritual, charitable, and social works and rights of the Catholic Church and the Christians in the Holy Land, particularly the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Its members contribute millions of dollars annually to the Jerusalem patriarchate. It also sponsors pilgrimages to the Holy Land along with cultural and educational meetings. Regional conventions and installations of new members are held annually.
The EOHS was introduced to the Diocese of San Angelo by Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza in the early 1980s. The San Angelo Diocese belongs to the Southwestern USA Lieutenancy.
Membership is limited to practicing Catholics appointed by the diocesan bishop upon nomination by members of the order. More information is available from the diocesan bishop, 325-651-7500.
The Pequenos Hijos de Maria is the name of a Spanish prayer group that began in the early 1990s in Odessa, Texas. Members come from several parishes in the Midland-Odessa area. A branch of the Pequeno Hijos de Maria meets at St. Mary's Parish in Brownwood. The group initially met at Our Lady of San Juan Mission in Odessa. Around 2005 it moved to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Its organizational structure is relatively informal. A committee of servants does the work of organizing and executing the organization's projects.
The Pequenos Hijos de Maria sponsor weekly prayer meetings in Spanish with weekly bible studies for men and women. They also organize retreats for men, women, and even youth. Pequeno Hijos de Maria retreats have taken place both in Odessa and elsewhere, usually in a parish setting. Often priests from Mexico or Latin America have come to preach to the Pequenos Hijos de Maria. Contact may be made by calling St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Odessa, at 432-367-4657.
Retrouvaille is a French word meaning "rediscovery." The Retrouvaille program is a marriage help program for struggling couples facing difficult challenges in their relationship. Participating couples may be married, separated, or divorced. The couple's openness to "rediscover" self and spouse in Christ is a prerequisite for participation.
Retrouvaille originated in Quebec, Canada, in 1977, an outgrowth of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Retrouvaille came to the United States in 1982 and since 1991 has been found in many countries around the world. Pope Benedict XVI especially lauded its work in an audience at the Vatican in 2008.
Designed to be practical in nature, Retrouvaile works to improve communication between spouses. Catholic in origin, the program welcomes couples of all faith denominations and those with no church affiliation. The presenters are not trained counselors. Instead, the leadership consists of trained couples who share their own marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love.
The Diocese of San Angelo is developing a team of trained couples with the goal of offering Retrouvaille to the faithful on an ongoing basis. Couples may also seek Retrouvaille weekends scheduled around the country by visiting For more information, contact Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo at (325) 651-5352.
Natural Family Planning is a morally acceptable method of birth control endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church. NFP classes are offered on each Sunday following the Engaged Encounter Weekends at Christ the King Retreat Center. For further information, call Christ the King Retreat Center at 325-651-5352.
Beginning Experience Weekend is an international organization assisting Catholics who have experienced separation, divorce, or a spouse's death. The organization sponsors weekend retreats and other activities for participants. The Beginning Experience does not currently function in the Diocese of San Angelo. For more information, contact Christ the King Retreat Center at 325-651-5352 or go to